Search in Google Scholar. Setia Științe Economice, 32 2 Fiscal Studies, 41, Paradoks Ekonomi Sosyoloji ve Politika Dergisi, 10 2 In Leal Filho, W. Gender Equality. Springer, Cham. Doi: The Lancet. Global Health, 6 11ee International Journal of Discrimination and the Law, 21 1 The Effect of Employee Diversity on Innovation. Research Policy, 40, Safran Kültür ve Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4 1 Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17, Lancet London, England, Login Register Reset Password. Publications Journals. English English. Murat Korkmaz. Korkmaz, Murat. Ali Serdar Yücel. Yücel, Ali Serdar. Hayrettin Gümüşdağ. Gümüşdağ, Hayrettin. Ayhan Aytaç. Aytaç, Ayhan. Ozan Düz. Düz, Ozan. About this article. Previous Article. Next Article. Abstract References Authors Articles in this Issue. Search in Google Scholar 2 Ak, B. Search in Google Scholar 3 Akdemir, S.
At both thoracic vertebrae levels, Muscle mass from both measurement methods was correlated in entire cohort, in the subgroup of non-obese patients, patients with low and normal handgrip strength, and low and normal SMI groups Tab. Stolz, B. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Dogu Meltem G. Finally, entheseal thickness of the Achilles tendon was measured by ultrasonography US.
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In this paper we question the validity of factitious disorder as a meaningful psychiatric diagnosis. Öz. When the diagnosis is used there is often. The HUDOC database provides access to the case-law of the Court (Grand Chamber, Chamber and Committee judgments and decisions, communicated cases. Correlation between muscle masses measured by chest computed tomography and bioelectrical impedance analysis in older adults. This is a case study of a policy initiative that was proposed as a bill to the state of Illinois of the United States of America concerning the banning.Scanning parameters were as follows: tube current 50— mAs, tube voltage 70— kV, pitch 3, matrix ×, field of view × mm and slice thickness 3 mm. BIA values were compared with measurements from pectoralis muscles and Th12 level in healthy Chinese adults. USA Today. By measuring these muscles, healthcare providers can detect muscle decline sooner. Although it is a cross-sectional study, we believe that children with Pso should be followed by pediatric dermatology and rheumatology collaboration. Thompson, K. The volume for the segmented area was measured automatically. Arzu O. Values of muscle parameters were summarized in Table II. With the use of a tape, the circumferences of the waist and hips were measured at the level of the umbilicus and the broadest region of the buttocks, respectively. However, Zuliani et al. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17, Search in Google Scholar 11 Bardakçı, Ş. Finally, 4 7. Patients were fasting and had an empty bladder. Search in Google Scholar 43 Okongwu, O. Retrieved February 15, , from www. Register Login Submit an Article. Violence in e-rated video games. Finally, entheseal thickness of the Achilles tendon was measured by ultrasonography US. Search in Google Scholar 54 Şahin, S. There are few studies focusing on the subclinical MSK findings of adult psoriatic patients [ 4 — 6 ]. Rod R. Adli Bilimler Dergisi, 9 4 , Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26,— The measures were performed with the patients lying in the supine position; all metal necklaces, rings, watches, etc. Search in Google Scholar 50 Savaşkan, E. Search in Google Scholar 30 Gültekin, M.