Borndied Victorian Period writer. He excelled in writing about London settings and grotesque gülünçcomic characters. He is novelist, playwright and journalist. One of the very first British novelists to be introduced into China. He was also foremost among 19th century novelists in confronting his middle-class readers with the human face of social deprivation. His father is navy, feckless clerk with a great love for literature and his mother is Elizabeth, Dickens drew an ironically affectionate portrait of them in Mr and Mrs Micawber David Copperfield. A happy childhood in Chatham. Family poverty meant the young Charles had to earn money, and he spent years labelling bottles in blacking factory; during this period his father was imprisoned for debt. Both experiences informed later novels. He first won fame in with the antics of the cockeny sportsmen portrayed in The Pickwick Papers, which was issued in 20 monthly parts. İlk olarak 'da Pickwick Gazetelerinde tasvir edilen ve aylık 20 bölüm halinde yayınlanan küstah sporcuların maskaralıklarıyla ün kazandı. In the same year he married Catherine Hogarth. Next, written in monthly instalments with prodigious speed, came Oliver Twist and the semi- comedic Nicholas Nickleby Dickens soon graduated to writing the comples and resonant masterpieces that have ensured his enduring fame, including David CopperfieldBleak HouseGreat Expectations and Our Mutual Friend He ensthusiast for the theatre, he enjoyed performing his owm Works and twice toured America lecturing. After the collapse of his marriage inhe continued his liaison with the actress Nelly Ternan. He died of a stroke in Shame The Client By Escorting Him Through A Crowd, leaving The Mystery of Edwin Drood unfinished. Dickens began writing Oliver Twist in 25 years old. Many readers were startled by the sombre tone of the work after the light-hearted comedy of his first novel, The Pickwick Papers. Dickens grew older, saw himself as a serious writer with a mission to speak fort he poor and powerless. Social Environment As a realist, Dickens makes his readers aware of the inhumanity of city life under capitalism in Oliver Twist. In the first 11 chapters, he bitterly exposes the terrible conditions in the english workhouse of the time and the cruel treatment of a poor orphan by all sorts of philanthropists. Oliver Twist has been the subject of many adaptations for stage and screen. However, the book is generally much darker and bleaker than its many stage and screen adaptations. When Dickens planned and penned Oliver Twist, new legislation was just beginning to be implemented across the country. Dickens was deeply disturbed by the harsh poor Law Amendment Act of The Act, which was met with widespreas criticism, was designed to reduce the cost Shame The Client By Escorting Him Through A Crowd poor relief by implementing a centralised workhouse system. This meant that relief, clothing and food, was only given in return for gruelling manual labour. The Poor Law Act of The poor law, established workhoyse system. Instead of providing a refuge fort he elderly, sick and poor, and instead of providing food or clothing şng Exchange for work in times of high unemployment, workhouses were to become a sort of prison system. The old parish poorhouses were to be completely changed, no cash support whatever would henceforth be given out, whatever the hardship or the seasonand the old gifts in kind which could help a family survive together, were now disallowed. The only opiton would be hard work, forced labour, only inside the workhouse in Exchange for a thin susbsistence. The workhouse system was hated, and people did everything they could to avoid becoming subject to it, so those who ended up there were either the most vulnerable or the most hardened and brazen. Charitable hospitals generally refused Access to those suffering from chronic conditions, dying patients, and paupers. So, workhouse inmates were often people whose medical conditions were regarded as hopeless at the time, and whose social status debarred them from other kinds of help.
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